After a summer break of a few weeks, Kadans Connected is back! During the webinar on how to successfully share your lab facilities, our partner Clustermarket elaborated on the challenges researchers and scientist are facing while sharing their lab facilities. Furthermore, they have demonstrated the benefits of transparency and equipment sharing within the scientific community and discussed how collaborative working can have a positive impact on innovation.
During the Q&A we have answered all your questions relating the topic. Please contact us via if you have any other questions for our guest speaker Hanne Linden or our Senior Ecosystem Manager Tom Straeter.
The Kadans Connected webinars and providing access to shared lab facilities are two of the many ecosystem services Kadans is offering to its tenants in order to make them as innovative and successful as possible. This means that we also offer additional so-called ecosystem services on top of the accommodation and facility services.
You are invited to watch the replay and to get insights of the barriers that knowledge and research institutions have around resource sharing.